Technical aspect
Technical advices for flavour use in cooking
Technical advices for flavour use in cooking
The flavouring will bring an aromatic complement to your preparation, but it should not dominate the other ingredients.
It does permit you to reduce some raw materials, but we do not recommend including none at all. Your recipe is everything, the flavouring should be used to enhance, not over-rule, it.
Always start with a light dosage, increasing only where it is necessary.
The flavouring is always an accompaniment to your recipe. Take care with the dosage so you achieve a balanced result.
An overdose can bring out unpleasant aromatic notes.
Cooking often degrades or transforms the aromatic rendition of your recipe. It is the same for flavourings which you have incorporated. It is preferable therefore to add the flavouring after the cooking time. If this is not possible, increase the dosage appreciably.